". var_export($var,true) ."\n"; } /* function main() ---------------------------------------------------------- */ $is_s_u=isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']); # if not, will get set by photinc.php require_once('../../httpdocs/incl/rwhead5.php'); require_once('../../httpdocs/incl/photinc.php'); if (isset($_POST['subind'])) { foreach($_POST as $name => $value) { $rqs .= "&$name=". urlencode($value); } header("Location: {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']}"); header("POST {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']} HTTP/1.1"); header("Host: http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}"); header("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); header(substr($rqs,1)); exit; } rwhhead($titext,"","index,follow",""); ?> ">Retest with "killer" params  

a= param to clash with $_GET     another parameter     third parameter

Raw display of $_GET: $val ) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $sqv=stripslashes($val); echo '\n"; } echo "
'. htmlspecialchars($ky) . ' => '. htmlspecialchars($val) . '     '. htmlspecialchars($sqv) . "
\n"; if (strlen($ky)>0) { $_GET[$ky]= 'new value of $_GET["'. $ky .'"]'; } add_to_get_in_function(); if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) echo "Called via a redirect - data may be missing from \$_POST
\n"; echo "\$_REQUEST (\$_GET, \$_POST and possibly \$_COOKIE): ". varxs($_REQUEST) . "\$_GET: ". varxs($_GET); if (strlen($ky)>0) { echo "\$_GET has been changed but the same field in \$_REQUEST is unchanged.
"; } $stat_file=stat(__FILE__); # compiler on my Windows XP machine did not like stat(__FILE__)['uid'] echo '$_POST: '. varxs($_POST) . # must use ' cos raw variabe names '$_COOKIE: '. varxs($_COOKIE) . '$_SERVER: '. varxs($_SERVER) . ($is_s_u ? "" : "SCRIPT_URI has been set by photinc.php.
\n") . "SCRIPT_DIR and HTTP_WINVER are non-standard and have been added by photinc.php

\n". 'getcwd(): '. (substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],0,strlen(getcwd()))==getcwd() ? "matches" : (strcasecmp(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],0,strlen(getcwd())),getcwd()) ? "does not match" : "case-insensitive match on")) . ' $_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_FILENAME\']'. varxs(getcwd()) . '$_SESSION: '. varxs($_SESSION) . '$_ENV: '. varxs($_ENV) . '$_FILES: '. varxs($_FILES) . "\$argc:  $argc 

\n". "\$argv:". varxs($argv). "apache_request_headers(): ".(!function_exists(apache_request_headers) ? "does not exist
\n" : varxs(apache_request_headers()) ). "getdate():
". print_r(getdate(),TRUE) ."
\n". # note differences between var_export() and print_r() ! "http_response_code(): ".(!function_exists('http_response_code') ? "does not exist" : " ". http_response_code() ." "). "
\n". "pathinfo(__FILE__): ". varxs(pathinfo(__FILE__)). # pathinfo() takes an optional parameter to return one individual component "posix_getpwuid(): ".(!function_exists(posix_getpwuid) ? "does not exist
\n" : "for ". __FILE__ . varxs(posix_getpwuid($stat_file['uid'])) ). "stat(__FILE__):". varxs($stat_file). ""; # separated out so individual tests can be shifted echo "\nWindow data:\n"; ?>
\n"; } else { echo "using get_headers():" .varxs(get_headers($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'])); } } else { echo "add gh=1 to command line to use get_headers()". " or gh=2 to use http_get(). Warning may be very slow!

\n"; } $php_ini_file_name="/var/www/vhosts/system/{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/etc/php.ini"; echo "php.ini:". (file_exists($php_ini_file_name) ? "
". file_get_contents($php_ini_file_name) ."
\n" : "  $php_ini_file_name  does not exist
\n" ); echo "phpversion():  ". phpversion() ." \n
\n"; if (!$_REQUEST[em2px]) $_REQUEST[em2px]=16; $bx2w=50*$_REQUEST[em2px]; echo "
". "This box is specified as 50 em wide
\n". "
". "\$_REQUEST[em2px]={$_REQUEST[em2px]}. So this box is specified as ". "50*{$_REQUEST[em2px]}=$bx2w pixels wide
\n"; $domains=array('croydonquakers.org.uk', 'epsomquakers.org.uk', 'purleyquakers.org.uk', 'slaqm.org.uk', 'southlondonquakers.org.uk', 'mikrocosm.com', 'robust-ae.com', 'posp.org.uk', 'rhaworth.net', 'theplayersofstpeter.org.uk', 'shakespearereadingsociety.co.uk'); echo "

\n". "
All sites: \n". "". "localhost |\n". "RHaworth.com ". "(interceptor)\n"; foreach($domains as $domna) { echo "| ". ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']==$domna ? "$domna\n" : "$domna\n"); } $stats=stat($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); echo "
\n". "".date("Y M d  H:i:s",$stats['mtime']) . " - {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']} = \$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']
\n". "". date("Y M d  H:i:s",$stat_file['mtime']) . " - ". __FILE__ ." = __FILE__

\n". html5_validator_link() ."
 \n\n\n"; ?>