curl_exec() getting https://\n"; echo "
". htmlspecialchars(http_get('')) ."
\n"; echo "
curl_exec() getting http://
\n"; echo "
". substr(htmlspecialchars(http_get('')),0,530) ."
\n"; echo "
file_get_contents() getting https://
\n"; echo "
". substr(htmlspecialchars(
               file_get_contents('')),0,299) ."
\n"; echo "
file_get_contents() getting http://
\n"; echo "
". substr(htmlspecialchars(
               file_get_contents('')),0,530) ."
\n"; echo "
\n"; $ans=parse_ini_file("../../httpdocs/test/sample.ini"); echo "
\n\n". var_export($ans,true) ."\n\n
\n"; $samp_fn="../../httpdocs/test/ukctest.php"; if (!isset($_REQUEST['api'])) { echo "
This server does not allow_url_fopen so highlight_file() is a ". "completely harmless function
\n"; # next must be separate echo to get error messages after the heading echo "
\n\n". highlight_file("",true) . "\n\n
\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n\n". show_source($samp_fn,true) ."\n\n
\n"; if (!isset($_REQUEST['api'])) { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n\n". highlight_file($samp_fn,true) ."\n\n
\n"; echo "
highlight_file() - without the highlighting - using ". "file_get_contents() to display this script
\n"; echo "
". htmlspecialchars(@file_get_contents($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) ."
\n"; ?>